Our Approach

Imagine creating fewer, better brand experiences. Imagine being truly proud of every piece of content you publish. Imagine opting out of the relentless race to publish more while uncertain of whether any of your marketing content is “working.”

There’s nothing more important than the words we use and the experiences we create. These are the fuel that powers your brand, creates trust with your customers, and guides your users through their experience with your product.

Sadly, we are all drowning in soulless, repetitive, and (now, often) AI-generated content every time we open our laptops. There’s way too much noise, so let’s stop adding to it.

Elevate Content stands for quality, authenticity, and a careful, less-is-more method to branded content. From startups to SMBs to global enterprises, we apply experience and discernment to bring forward the real stories and qualities that make your brand worth talking about.

How we elevate your…

Content Strategy

You don’t have an in-house content team or enough communication support?

  • We help define your unique brand story, voice, and tone.

  • We document your content marketing plan and craft your messaging pillars.

  • We create a final editorial style guide your whole team can use as a foundation all year long, to ensure your content marketing stays on brand and aligned to your business goals.

Executive Communications

You can’t keep up with the content demands on your executive team?

  • We give you a dedicated writer to extend your capacity and take important communications off your plate.

  • We help identify and extract key insights from your leadership team, then distill these into compelling articles and presentations, retaining their voices.

  • We help raise the bar, turning your executives into thought leaders and brand drivers.

Brand Editorial & Ops

You don’t know what you should publish, when, where, and why?

  • We help you map out a quarter or full year’s worth of editorial opportunities.

  • We create feature articles, thought leadership, and larger content pieces aligned to your goals and user journeys.

  • We create and optimize collaborative editorial workflows as an extension of your team, saving you hours.

Greg Powell, Head of Brand and Product Marketing, Fundbox:

“Irene is a passionate storyteller who can work at multiple content altitudes simultaneously: Strategic, Craft, and Functional. …She delivered on all three of these with the content she wrote for Fundbox. It caught the attention of customers, likeminded organizations — and also investors looking for a company with a unique POV.”

How It Works

Each business and project is different. Years of experience have allowed us to create a proven approach to crafting your content strategy and assets.

Here’s an example content marketing strategy engagement.

Your engagement may look different, depending on your project needs, timeline, and the scope we determine together.

  • We meet over a video call to get to know you and learn your goals, challenges, and how we can help.

    We do a deep dive into your business and any materials you provide, including past campaigns, research and data, and your requirements to ensure we’re a great fit.

  • We create a strategy and scope of work that addresses your specific brand, industry, audiences, and challenges.

    We align in a kickoff to ensure your questions are answered from the jump.

  • We get to work on your content!

    We might: interview your internal experts, synthesize your user research and data into actionable insights, support you with customer journey map analysis, research and draft your pillar content, lead a content workshop, coach your content team — or all of the above.

    You get well-crafted content that aligns to your brand and business strategy, done for you, and regular updates on the status of your projects.

  • Ongoing support for your brand or marketing team to ensure that you’re successful in building your content, campaigns, and thought leadership programs.

    We also offer detailed guidance for setting up and optimizing your content operations, to set your team up for success and keep your content machine running smoothly.

Ready to create better content?